What is this study about?
In a nutshell, the overall purpose of this research is to study ways in which personality characteristics vary among individuals and how these differences are related to successful aging. We are also studying ways in which people see themselves and ways in which they are seen by other people.

What does participating in this study involve?
All participants will complete a face to face interview upon enrollment in the study, along with several questionnaires.  The whole process takes approximately 2-3 hours. 

What kind of questions will be asked in the questionnaires?
The questions will be about your personality. By this I mean, typical ways in which you experience emotions and your characteristic ways of interacting with other people when you are your usual self. By this we mean on a typical day to day basis, not after winning the lottery or while being hospitalized for a serious illness.  You will also be asked to complete questionnaires about your personality, your physical and mental health, your mood, and your relationships with other people (including relationship satisfaction, if you are married or in a serious relationship). There are no “right” or “wrong” answers.

What if I don’t want to answer a question?
It is important that you answer as many of the questions as possible.  If you feel strongly about not answering a question, you may select the option, I prefer not to answer. Every question we ask gives you this option.

Will my name be associated with my answers?
No, all participants are given a unique participant ID number that is used instead of their name in filling out the questionnaires.  All information you share with us is strictly confidential.

How will my answers be used?
All answers will be looked at collectively across participants to investigate the stability of personality in middle-aged adults and how it relates to successful aging.  No one’s answers will be looked at individually.

Is this a one-time thing or will I have to complete more questionnaires at a different time?
We would like to contact you once every six months and ask you briefly to describe your health and life circumstances as well as events that have taken place since our last conversation. Then, two years after your first personality assessment, we would like to conduct another personal interview and also have you fill out the personality questionnaires again. You will receive additional compensation for each follow-up.

Do I have to complete all of the questionnaires at once?
No, you may take a break at any time.  You simply exit the website and when you are ready to continue you simply log back in and start where you left off.  Though we do ask that you try to finish all questionnaires within a day or two of when you start the first one.

If I take a break do I have to start over again?
No, when you log back into the website it will take you through to the place where you left off.

What if I start on a questionnaire and then midway decide that I no longer want to participate in this study, will there be any repercussions?
We would like for you to complete the study and let us know any concerns you have before withdrawing your participation.  However, your participation is purely voluntary and you may choose to withdraw your consent.  You will still be reimbursed for your time and effort.

My spouse/child knows all about me, can sh/he complete my part of the study?
NO! You and only you can fill out these questionnaires. Please remember that this is a scientific research study and it’s very important that we have YOUR responses to the questions. We strongly urge and trust you to honestly complete the questionnaires.

Can I refer a friend?
No, for the purpose of this study all participants are chosen using the scientific method of random selection.  This is done so that we can have an unbiased, representative sample of the St. Louis Community.

What is an informant?
An informant is a person that is chosen by the participant to be in the study for the purpose of describing the participant.  The informant will complete several questionnaires, which are similar in content to the ones the participant answers only they are shorter in length.  The informant will be compensated for their time.

What is the purpose of having an informant?
We ask that you provide an informant in order for us to find out about you through someone else’s eyes, particularly someone who knows you well.  This gives us an added way of getting to know who you are as a person.

What if I do not have an informant?
Though it is preferred that you have an informant, it is okay if you do not have one, you may still participate is the study.

What if my informant wants to quit?
If your original informant is no longer available to participate, then you may change your informant throughout the study.

Can I add an informant after I have started the study?
Yes, if you do not initially have an informant, you may add one at any time.

Will my information be shared with anyone?
No, information that we receive from either participants or informants will not be shared. All of the information given us will be used strictly by the members of our research team alone.

If I am an informant, will the person I am describing have access to the information I give?
No, the participant will not see any of the information that you tell us. Once again, all information given will be looked at exclusively by members of our research team, no one else.

What if I forget my password?
Your password is:
Last 2 digits of birth year
First letter of your last name (lower case)
Last 4 digits of your social security number

(Example:  John Doe, born in 1999, SS# 444-44-4444 = 99d4444)

How do I get paid?
You will receive compensation for your time when both the interview and all questionnaires are completed.  If you finish all of them during you visit to our lab you will be paid in cash.  If you complete the remainder of the questionnaires at home after leaving our lab a check will be mailed to you.

Some questions I have answered have provoked unpleasant memories and I need to talk to someone at length. Whom do I contact?
A list with the contact information of mental health professionals is provided to all participants on signing the consent form. If for any reason you did not receive such list or have misplaced it, please call or email the Project coordinator and one will be sent to you.

I have a question that is not answered here, whom do I contact?
You may email the project coordinator, Christina White or you may call her at 314-935-4323 , Monday through Friday , 8.30 A.M. - 4.30 P.M.